"Educated in the Mountains" is a personal project that aims to shed light on the social context experienced daily by a child in rural areas, particularly in southern Colombia, through short stories and by utilizing a very popular educational tool, which is words.
​​​​​​​Caquetá Col. – 2022.  

De la A hasta la Z. Del 0 hasta el 9, y algunas otras formas que no existen en el abecedario. Este es un recorrido por los patios, jardines, lomas, montañas, potreros, ríos y quebradas donde nacen historias que quedaron marcadas en nuestras memorias. Son historias de niños campesinos, como yo, que nacimos y nos criamos en las montañas del sur de Colombia.

From A to Z. From 0 to 9, and some other forms that don't exist in the alphabet. This is a journey through the courtyards, gardens, hills, mountains, pastures, rivers, and streams where stories are born that remain marked in our memories. They are stories of peasant children, like me, who were born and raised in the mountains of southern Colombia.

Editorial / Illustrated Book and Graphic Novels
Daniel Villanueva (Colombia)
Lad Plata – 2022​​​​​​​

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